Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Another Event With Two Versions

One of the questions from the readings on Dresden was to think of another historical event that had two competing versions to it. After thinking for a little bit, the French and Indian war popped into my head, probably because we just wrote a DBQ about it in AP U.S. last week.

For those of you who don’t know what the war was about, it was fought in the mid-18th Century between Britain with its colonies and France. There isn’t much debate over what really happened in the battles, but there was a major difference between Britain and the colonies after they had beaten France. The British believed the war had been fought to protect the colonies and they therefore should help pay for some of the war. The colonies believed the war had been fought over the British gaining control of beaver trading in the Ohio River valley. They didn’t think they should pay for the war because Britain was going to make money off of it. Britain began to tax the colonies, and eventually the difference in opinion led to the colonies separating from Britain.

I know that Dresden and the French and Indian war happened 200 years apart and involved some other countries and places, but I did see some similarities between the two. Rebecca Grant and John Black argued about the intentions of Britain in bombing Dresden. Rebecca said Britain had bombed Dresden to disrupt communication and help Russian forces in the West. Black said Britain bombed Dresden to show their power and get more in the post-war treaty. He stated that they even made sure not to destroy the oil tanks that they owned in Dresden. Britain trying to make money is what made me think how the different versions of Dresden and the French and Indian war can relate to each other.


  1. Very good connection between AP US and College Lit!

    Mr. Rottinger would be proud. :P

    Differences in opinions still amaze me though. However, there are so many different sides to a story, or a war in this case, that there are bound to be major conflicts in beliefs. Also, what can we really believe if we haven't even experienced the event first-hand?

  2. Kevin-

    Nice connection between the French and Indian war and Dresden! Everything you said is so true. Both of the those wars had two majorly different sides. One side thinking one thing and the other side thinking a completely different thing. It's weird how that works. Hmmm... well, I think that both sides are right to an extent. Both sides tend to have valid points and such.

    Great Blog!!!! Have fun blogging!

    -Rachel :)
